The UA VIP Program celebrated the graduation of its most recent HVACR class by hosting an Open House ceremony for its members and military leaders at Naval Station Norfolk.
Instead of a traditional graduation ceremony, the UA VIP Program hosted an Open House for Hampton Roads military leadership, providing a first-hand look at the UA HVACR mobile training trailer and the classroom.
Stations were set up to allow dignitaries to see the eight graduates of Naval Station Norfolk’s third HVACR class in action, displaying the skills they acquired during the 18-week HVACR course. The Open House also gave military leaders a chance to familiarize themselves with the VIP program, which is entering its second year at Hampton Roads.
The dignitaries learned that once the graduates officially leave military service, they will begin their career in the Pipe Trades as a United Association apprentice.
VIP graduates are placed into jobs through UA local Unions throughout the United States. From there, they begin their apprenticeships, earning livable wages and great benefits while receiving on-the-job training, plus classroom instruction to help develop and hone the skills acquired through the VIP Program.
While some veterans struggle to find jobs following their time serving our country, VIP graduates transition knowing they have good jobs awaiting them.
During the Open House, Cory Chaffin, Jobsite Solutions Mechanical Market Manager in the DC/Baltimore area for Milwaukee Tool Corp., presented the eight new graduates with jobsite backpacks.
The UA VIP Program congratulates the eight new HVACR graduates from Naval Station Norfolk and wish them the best as they begin a new career as UA members.
Any military members at Hampton Roads who are preparing to leave the service can learn more information about the UA VIP Program by filing out this form.