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Journeyman Alex Hall shares his success within the UA VIP Program

UA VIP - Alex Hall Success Story (2)

When it was time to transition out of the military, Alex Hall knew he wanted to return to civilian life where he could have a lifelong career that provides financial stability and the United Association Veterans in Piping Program afforded him that opportunity. 

The UA VIP program is a free 18-week accelerated career skills training program designed to provide participants a direct pathway to a career in the piping industry.

Specialist (SPC) Hall served in the U.S. Army as a 91H Track Vehicle Repairer. Upon transition, he applied to the UA VIP welding program through the Career Skills Program on base. In November 2014, SPC Hall proudly graduated from the second UA VIP welding class at Fort Hood.  

UA VIP - Alex Hall Success Story (1)“The VIP program has opened doors so many opportunities for career choices,” said Hall. “It gave me the chance to adjust back into civilian life all while furthering my education in a trade.”

Upon graduating from the program, Hall joined UA Local 211 in Houston, where he completed the registered apprenticeship program, while working for Brandt Companies.

“Throughout the apprenticeship program, one of the most exciting projects I was honored to be a part of was helping save a huge piece of Texas history, The Battleship Texas,” said Hall.

The Battleship Texas proudly served the nation for 34 years, seeing action in both World Wars. According to, the ship acted as a beacon of the ideal of freedom to our troops and allies and was there to protect America when needed the most.

Thanks to the UA VIP Program, SPC Hall has a great career.

“I would recommend this program to any active-duty service member because it gives them the stepping stones for their future when transitioning out of the military,” Hall said.

To learn more about the UA VIP program and participating bases, visit here.UA VIP - Alex Hall Success Story (2)
