The graduates of Naval Station Norfolk HVACR Class 17 know they have a bright future and a solid career path after they get out of the military.
Thanks to the United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) program, they are guaranteed a job through a UA registered apprenticeship program. Their transition to civilian life will be pretty seamless as they begin good-paying careers in the pipe trades where there is a strong demand for jobs.
Over the course of 18 weeks, the students learned basic skills to install, repair and maintain HVACR systems alongside an experienced journeyman instructor. The course involved a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on training. The students earned certifications in electrical, recovery and HVAC refrigeration.
The UA VIP program is a Career Skills Program (CSP) for transitioning active-duty service members. Members of the military are invited to apply to the program during their last six months of service. Training takes place on base during a student’s enlistment period and is considered part of their military duties.
The UA VIP program offers training in welding, HVACR and fire sprinkler fitting at select military bases across the country.
A guaranteed spot in a UA registered apprenticeship program
After the Class 17 graduates transition out of the military, they will begin a UA registered apprenticeship program at an agreed-upon location. They will earn good union wages while they learn and quickly qualify for quality healthcare for their family. Every year, they will receive an annual raise as they expand their skill set and advance through their apprenticeship.
Once they complete the apprenticeship program, they will become journeymen with numerous opportunities for career advancement. After working in the field, some will later go on to start their own company. Others will go on to become journeyman instructors, perhaps through the UA VIP program.
The students will begin good-paying careers working with their hands without the need for student loans. The UA VIP program does not require transitioning active-duty service members to use their G.I. Bill.
Because of their self-discipline and honed work ethic, members of the military are uniquely suited to this type of work. The UA VIP program provides transitioning active-duty service members with a smooth transition to civilian life and the opportunity for a great career.