Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

UA VIP Welding Class 15 eager to dive into the trade at Fort Hood

Fort Hood Welding Class 15 - UA VIP

The United Association Veterans in Piping Welding Class 15 has begun at Fort Hood.

The class is made up of 15 service members, who will learn basic piping industry skills as they prepare to transition out of the military.

Fort Hood Welding Class 15 - UA VIP (4)

The free 18-week Career Skills program is open to transitioning active-duty military service members from all branches of the armed forces.

At Fort Hood, UA VIP participants learn basic welding skills to prepare them for apprenticeship and a career with a UA signatory contractor once they successfully transition out of the service.

Fort Hood Welding Class 15 - UA VIP (2)

Many participants in the program look forward to their career with the UA and Army Staff Sergeant Amani Purcell is no exception.

While the class is just beginning, he is already thinking about the long-term picture. Ideally, he hopes within ten years after successfully completing the UA VIP Program, Purcell wants to own his own house and be a provider for his family, earning enough money to allow them to live comfortably.

Fort Hood Welding Class 15 - UA VIP (3)

For over ten years, the UA VIP Program has helped reduce the stress of active-duty transitioning military service members. Graduates are guaranteed job placement with a UA signatory contractor upon graduation. These jobs provide a living wage, healthcare and retirement benefits, such as a 401k plan and pension.

Fort Hood UA VIP Welding Instructor Scott Blow is excited for another opportunity to prepare a new group of future professionals.

Fort Hood Welding Class 15 - UA VIP (1)

“As with every class, I hope every one of them are the best prepared to start their apprenticeship,” he said.

While graduates of the program are guaranteed a job with a UA signatory contractor, they are also given direct entry into the UA’s five-year registered apprenticeship program in an agreed upon geographic location. During their apprenticeship, UA VIP graduates will hone their skills as they work towards becoming a UA journeyman.

To learn more about the UA VIP Welding program at Fort Hood, click here.

