Take a look at some of the newsworthy items for the VIP program.

Fort Campbell Welding Class 23 students graduate from the UA VIP program

Fort Campbell Welding Class 23 students graduated from the United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) program on July 11. 

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Fort Campbell Fire Suppression Class 14 reaches halfway point of VIP training

Fort Campbell Fire Suppression Class 14 students are officially halfway through their accelerated training through the United...

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Fort Campbell Welding Class 23 students learn where they will begin UA apprenticeship

Fort Campbell Welding Class 23 students have reached the halfway point of their advanced training in the UA VIP program. 

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UA VIP Fort Campbell Fire Suppression Class 14 begins

A new group of transitioning active-duty service members have begun training in the United Association Veterans in Piping (UA...

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Fort Campbell Fire Suppression Class 13 students graduate from UA VIP program

A new group of United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) students completed their fire suppression training at Fort Campbell...

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UA VIP Fort Campbell Welding Class 23 begins

The United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) program welcomed another class of transitioning active-duty service members...

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Fort Campbell Welding Class 22 students graduate from the UA VIP program

Students in the United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) program Fort Campbell Welding Class 22 graduated on Feb. 29.

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Fort Campbell Fire Suppression Class 13 students reach halfway mark of UA VIP program

The United Association Veterans in Piping (UA VIP) students in Fort Campbell Fire Suppression Class 13 are halfway done with...

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Fort Campbell Welding Class 22 students halfway done with UA Vip Program

United Association Veterans In Piping (UA VIP) program Fort Campbell Welding Class 22 students have reached the halfway mark of...

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Fort Campbell Fire suppression Class 13 students begin training

Transitioning active duty service members have begun training in Fort Campbell’s Fire Suppression Class 13. 

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